For each personalised letter we will include your specified name throughout the narrative. We have used the name "Poppy" here to illustrate where your child's name would appear.
Dear Poppy,
Greetings from the snowy North Pole, where the magic of Christmas is in full swing! As I sit by the warm fire, singing carols surrounded by some of my dearest friends, I couldn't help but be reminded of one of my favourite things about Christmas. Love.
During this special time of year, love is the beating heart of everything we do here in the North Pole. From crafting the perfect presents to wrapping them with care, each and every step is filled with love! The elves and I take such great pride in knowing that all our hard work is bound to bring smiles to children’s faces on Christmas morning (including yours, Poppy)!
I often receive letters from children around the world, and it is always so clear how much love plays a role in their Christmases too! From spending time with friends and family, to the beautiful words written in cards and the kindness we show one another, there are so many ways that love makes Christmas special.
I wonder how you will show your friends and family how much you love them this Christmas, Poppy? With a heart as big as yours, I know that they are some of the luckiest people in the world!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Poppy. May your days be filled with love and kindness, and may you never forget to carry the magic of the holiday season wherever you go!
Merry Christmas,
Santa Claus